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Past student’s meet 2010

This was the first time in the history of Saraswat Boarding; a grand get together was organized by some active members.

Most of the students, after completing their studies, settle at various places, all over India and abroad. A job to call them for a massive gathering itself was not easy. But the concept was widely supported by all other members & well wishers of this organization. A time taking job to collect everybody’s contact details was possible because of very sincere efforts of Shri. Gurubal Mali, a reporter of daily Tarun Bharat. He was guided by the president Dr. Yashaswini Janwadkar. Both of them along with other supportive members were restlessly active to make this event successful.

Send your details here if you are a
past student of this organisation

On 5 th December 2010, the day when a blissful event occurred; in which many former students joined to share their experiences with each others. Shri. Kishor Waman Satoskar, Shri. Satish Satoskar, Advt. P. R. Banavalikar, Dr. G. G. Asagekar, Shri. Sudhir Chintamani Kulkarni, Shri. G. L. Parulekar, Advt. Khavare, mShri. Gurubal Mali are among the major active students who took efforts to make this event successful.

While searching about former students, we received contact of good number of students.

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